
Mercury trine ascendant aspect
Mercury trine ascendant aspect

mercury trine ascendant aspect

They may not be as mentally sharp as you, but everyone does have something different to contribute.


It’s important that you learn how to slow down, even if this feels like a total waste, and consider the viewpoints of other people. You don’t like having your views criticized because you truly believe you’re right. When you’re provoked with Mercury conjunct Ascendant, you can get combative.

mercury trine ascendant aspect

You will always have to talk things out to get to your own solution, but it’s important that you also set aside time to listen to those you care about. Ultimately, you need to get your thoughts out. You will have to explain to your closer friends and family that this isn’t personal it’s simply how your mind works. This is simply how your mind works, but others can feel a bit used when you don’t take their advice or even listen to them. You might throw out questions that you answer yourself. With Mercury conjunct Ascendant, you typically need to talk your problems out. However, you need to learn how to slow down and consider other people’s feelings and thoughts, too. You’re very enthusiastic with topics you’re interested in. You tend to bring up topics that you’re interested in instead of reading the room. Mercury conjunct Ascendant can make you a bit selfish without realizing it. Your mind is always racing and other people just can’t keep up, so you move on. You don’t mind telling others about yourself, yet you struggle to take the time to listen to others. However, your listening skills may not be well-developed. With Mercury conjunct Ascendant, you’re very social and open. Over time, you will learn how to focus on one thing at a time so that you can actually accomplish your tasks. You need to develop mental discipline with Mercury conjunct Ascendant. However, this can also make you a bit anxious, jumpy, or distracted, because you quite literally never slow down. You can’t hide what you’re feeling and don’t often try to.Įverything you do is fast-faced, so even your facial expressions and body language will change rapidly. With Mercury conjunct Ascendant, your face will also be super expressive.

mercury trine ascendant aspect

When this aspect is in an air sign, the native will be more more intellectual than a fire sign, which makes the person more physically active. Keep in mind that much of Mercury conjunct Ascendant will depend on the sign the aspect is in. You have a dexterous memory and might be good with parts people with this placement are sometimes good at mechanical work. Mercury conjunct Ascendant can make you a bit restless, so you tend to move quickly. You can come off like a light-hearted trouble maker, although others can usually tell that you don’t actually mean harm. However, you might also seem a bit impish or mischievous. It can feel like you just never slow down! With Mercury conjunct Ascendant, your Mercurian qualities are super evident to everyone around you. When you’re around others, you probably can’t keep your thoughts to yourself. In fact, you can’t shut down your intellect even if you try. Mercury conjunct Ascendant gives you a lot of natural curiosity. You always have a new idea up your sleeve and you can’t help but share with those around you. With Mercury conjunct Ascendant, you appear youthful and energetic. You won’t be able to hide your intelligence or mental faculties. If you have Mercurian qualities on your Ascendant, then your thoughts will be obvious to others. Mercury-Ascendant aspects will dictate how intelligent, witty, and curious you appear.

Mercury trine ascendant aspect